
Single Membership: £10.00
2 members at same address: £15.00

The membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. New subscriptions taken out between 1 January and mid-June are charged at the full rate, while those taken out between mid-June and December are charged at half the standard rate. Renewal of subscriptions is due on 1 January each year. All renewed subscriptions are charged at the full rate.

Application Form

Please download this page and hand it to the Membership Secretary at a meeting or see Contacts page for postal address.

I/We wish to join Smethwick Local History Society

Name(s) ________________________________________

Tel. No. _______________ Mobile ____________________

Address: ________________________________________


E-Mail: ________________________________________

Please delete as appropriate:

  • I am paying in cash
  • I enclose a cheque for £_______________
    made payable to Smethwick Local History Society
  • I have paid by bank transfer on (date) _________ Ref: __________*
  • SLHS Bank Transfer details are:
    Sort Code: 09-01-54 Account No. 60215701
    *N.B. Please include your surname as a reference for the transaction.

General Data Protection Regulation

Please note that this Society holds its mailing list on computer disk. To comply with the Data Protection Act, we need your permission to store your name, address and telephone number on an electronic system. The Society Committee guarantees that the list will contain only these details and will be used for the sole purpose of sending information to you about Society activities.
Your name will not be sold or passed on to any other organisation and will be deleted, should you cease to be a member of the Society.

Please sign and print below to grant permission to hold this information.

I hereby give permission to Smethwick Local History Society to hold my details on an electronic mailing list.

Signature(s) _________________ ____________________

Please print name(s) _________________ ________________